Our Clinic Philosophy
The Ridge Spine & Sport Centre was established in December 2004 to allow multiple disciplines to work together to help patients suffering from Musculoskeletal Injuries. Operating under an active care philosophy, we employ tailored treatment programs to meet the needs of our patient community. Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Massage Therapists working togethers with their unique combination of techniques. In addition to our in-office care, we equip patients with therapeutic exercises to help maximize performance while minimizing the risk of recurring injuries. By providing evidence-based, individualized treatment programs coupled with active patient participation, our patients enjoy unparalleled care from a Team Approach to their injuries and ailments.
Our Approach
The Ridge Spine & Sport Centre is unlike any other manual care center. We offer an evidence-based, integrated approach to patient health care, which includes: Muscle manipulation based on the medically proven Active Release Technique ® (ART) and Graston Technique ®Adjustment techniques based on the Motion Palpation Institute (MPI) a biomechanically and evidence-based joint manipulation protocol.Rehabilitation and therapeutic exercises. The rationale for employing an integrated health care approach, rather than following traditional chiropractic treatment programs, is based on clinical research. Each patient is unique, requiring equally distinctive treatment programs.